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Irish Genealogical Society International

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This section includes searching all core genealogical records where you ancestors settled.
The next step in your journey is to begin researching where your ancestors went when they left Ireland.  Included are record types that are specific to Irish immigrants. Perhaps they landed at Castle Garden and stayed in New York City before moving west.
The research process is similar in other countries and many of the resources in the New Home - Links page includes information for Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
The Core Genealogy Records/Sources article provides information about core genealogical records and sources.  Included are some great suggestions for records that are specific to Irish immigrants, such as Irish societies and Irish newspapers.  Focus on the records and sources where your ancestors settled after leaving Ireland.  You will need to do the homework to determine where you ancestors were from in Ireland.  Part of the methodology includes researching family members, associated and neighbors, often referred to as FAN research
The Passenger Lists Arriving in North America article is an extensive list of reference books in our Hoffman Research Library as well as the Canadian archives.  It includes ships departing from Ireland, Canada and other countries.
To enhance your learning, we have created a page of valuable websites, articles of interest, blogs, podcasts, Facebook groups, videos and a bookshelf. Check it out here: New Home - Links