The Septs is IGSI's award-winning quarterly publication. IGSI membership includes subscription to The Septs, and back issues are available for purchase (see ordering information below).
We enthusiastically accept suggestions for issues of The Septs, as well as submissions of article or other materials.
Since 1993 many issues of The Septs, have featured a county in Ireland or Northern Ireland. In 2003 we completed the first series and have since revisted several of the earliest counties covered.
To view Issues by Date and Table of Contents
Signed in members can view the tables of contents for The Septs back issues by selecting the year from the table at upper right. After you click on the year to find an issue, click the issue's link to open a PDF copy of the issue.
To view Issues by Theme
Signed in members can access past Issues by Theme, and click the issue's link to open a PDF copy of the issue.
For non-members, the Themes of The Septs will help you identify the issues that cover your area of interest.
Back issues of The Septs are available. The price of an issue varies by publication date and format selected.
Non-members who wish to purchase PDF copies of back issues:
$10.00 (US) per issue from January 2011 onward -- PDF copy
$5.00 (US) per issue from 1980 -- 2010 PDF copy
IGSI members can download PDF copies of any issue at no charge -- a benefit of membership.
For a Print Copy of any back issue-- whether member or non-member:
$15.00 (US) per issue -- includes shipping and handling fee.
To order, send a check for the appropriate amount, payable to "Irish Genealogical Society Intl.", to:
Septs Issues
Irish Genealogical Society Intl
1385 Mendota Heights Road
Suite 100
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
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