The Irish Genealogical Society International pledges to responsibly handle any personal information you give to us.
Membership list and survey data. We do not sell or share our membership list or survey results. We use members’ contact information only for communications about society matters or genealogical information that may interest members.
Contact information. We do not post member contact information on the open portion of our website. Each member can control, via their Profile settings,[1] how much of their contact information is displayed.
Contact information for members with active roles in the organization is listed on the “Contact Us” webpage. This mail is addressed to their roles / titles in the organization and goes through our domain name to protect their privacy.
Non-members’ information
Non-members may provide us their names and/or email addresses (“opt in”) so they can be notified of IGSI classes and events. IGSI will not sell or share this information with any other organization. Opt-in subscribers can remove themselves from our email list at any time by clicking the Unsubscribe link in the footer of an email message they received from us.
Surname interests. Our website lists member-submitted surnames with related details (locations and dates). The list allows the public to see surname entries but does not reveal any member identification. If the member allows it, viewers can send the member a Surname Information Request email via a form that keeps the member’s information anonymous.[2]
Purchase information. If you order any product or service from us, we use your information only for purposes of fulfilling your order. Checks are handled responsibly; credit card and purchase information are encrypted according to standards for secure communication over the Internet. Submission of credit card information on paper forms may require us to send a copy via postal or electronic mail, which are not encrypted methods of transmission. Therefore, we encourage members to use electronic payment via our website’s online payment processor(s).
Browser tracking. We use a Google Analytics[3] web tracker on our webpages that allows Google to track visits to our site so we can monitor website usage and make improvements for visitors. The tracker does not collect information about you personally.
Site search tracking. If you use the Google Site Search tool on our website, Google tracks the search terms (words and phrases) you use in order to search content within our website. The tracker does not collect information about you personally. IGSI uses summary data from Google Analytics to understand how the site is accessed (e.g., browser and device type – personal computer, mobile, or tablet).
Links to other websites. This privacy policy is not in effect when you connect to another site via links provided on our website.
We take our members' and non-members’ trust seriously.
Approved by the IGSI Board November 18, 2022
Jeanne Bakken
This information is subject to change as links and functionality are updated.
[1] Individual member contact information is controlled using Member Login > Profile > Member Settings > Membership List.
[2] Each member has the option to avoid receiving email messages related to their surname entries; this is controlled under Member Login > Profile > Member Settings > Receive Email > Surname Inquiries. Or, members may restrict their contact information used for surname interests to email address or phone number (or both) by sending a request to our U.S. mail or Membership email address listed on the Contact Us webpage.
[3] If you prefer not to have your visits tracked by Google Analytics, Google provides browser add-on tools to prevent Google Analytics from tracking your activity at